Let's act together to limit Freedom's pains

Hosthings for Freedom preservations, protections, enhancements, developpments and evolutions,

Tibet, Nepal, Palestine, their folks around the globe, their culture, the heavenly places anywhere allowing them to be at home, to feel home and to stay alive

The Hosts having prepared, kept, cured, protected if necessary such places and their presences,

And especially the two Heavens and their Keepers met on my path

#gameofshrooms2024 participants over the world,

South-America's Curanderas and Curanderos, Mongolian Shaman's, West-Europe's Druids, Jnouns, Alchemist's and Traveler's Guilds

Thoses met around and acting together among Chill-outs spawned anywhere

Precursors and Pioneers facing and affected as previous on this list by a widely common shared deep incapacity to be open-minded prooven by most of the customers

Victims of interferences, intolerances, thoses facing any kind of absent-minded persecutions, perturbations,

Supporting Internet's wellness with Electronic Frontier Foundation

EFF's Logo is loadi**

To enpower thoses fighting back the obsolete contagious vectors infected and-or trying to affect others with such prominent and noticeable deep symptomatic illnesses caracteristics as are racism, hypocrisies, irony, persiflage, whispering, inconsideration, gloating, spitefulness...

To fight back the obsolete contagious vectors infected and-or trying to affect others with such prominent and noticeable deep symptomatic illnesses caracteristics as are racism, hypocrisies, irony, persiflage, whispering, inconsideration, gloating, spitefulness...

sometimes just for laugh, else: love..

By the way, here is TOR-Browser to find peacefully freedom realms as linked from homepage
and for pioneers looking for more TOR-Bridge/Relays-related informations are this pages also made available.
as could be last tails.iso version.

And a special thank to Micah Lee, et al. for the GPLv3 open source software,

OnionShare also through their onion:

🧅 http://lldan5gahapx5k7iafb3s4ikijc4ni7gx5iywdflkba5y2ezyg6sjgyd.onion/ (proof)

allowing this launcher assotiment page of anon' chatrooms to use

onionshare & onionshare-cli