Psychedelic Chronicles


Book I

First Official Version




Welcome to you,

Illustrious person,

In this Book here held

N they

Come here for the following,

For you who read

It opens

For you who say it,

He speaks to you

And you who listen,

The writing read, the call,

Who invites you with open arms

In this hopscotch

Who wants to be Eternal

Passionate Poems & Proses

Verified and desired version

Realizations of Rare Dreams

Has existed as a concept for a long time.

Its embryo took shape in the year 2006.
It received this name around 2010,

Catches fire in 2016,

Reborn from its ashes in 2018

And is going through a change in 2019.

It is a vast artistic project

Which includes a lot of ramifications.

Carefully prepared

And allowing you to enjoy the show

In participatory ways

Or/and spectators.

The concept is intended to be simple and accessible

Clear and translucent.

Original perhaps,

Singular I hope.

Imitable and transmissible at will,

Its titration, whose transformation is planned,

Goes from titles of series of collections,

From a new page towards a new age,

Built on a principle of self-nourished inspirations

Varied sharing & quests

In which the adventurers are the main protagonists

In which each choice implies a whole series of possibilities.

This is only an outline of a welcome to a particular work

Written and edited as an artistic essay.

If any similarity and/or resemblances

With what/who/where/whatever there was,

This would only be the fruit of an abundant imagination,

Of an artist needing to express himself.

And who by the way publishes them as a book.

Thus delivering what is born outside of him

Thus sharing and making accessible

Texts and writings

To people who asked me for it.

You will find various inspirations taken there

From the beginnings of adventures and other epics.

Children's dreams and sweet chants,

Rhythmic songs on sustained waves,

Miraculous recipes and passionate discussions,

Tips and good deals, ideas, concepts

Poems, prose,

fiery texts,

Texts that pose.

Some pages raise questions,

Others answers.
There are some to read

In loud and calm voices

As well as for listening ears.

Intended for all generations,

Other versions, on request,

Are available.

In case of doubts, comments,

Questions, criticism,

Suggestions and any other proposals,

Contact details are available to be in touch

As simple and straightforward as possible

With those able to respond constructively.

Teams are formed and in continuous training

In order to offer a post-reading service

Allowing us to offer keys to understanding

Explanations, illustrations and various supplements.

The texts presented
are in the order of arrival.

The chronologies,
which appear distorted,

Express, it seems,

A path, a life journey.

Most of the original texts,

Have been modified.
In the Quest for improvement,
this new configuration
has been designed
to facilitate access,
understanding and

Here are excerpts.
Choose, according to an art,

Travels, journeys, the pages fly.
Rollers, Shores, the thread of the beaches.

Precise presents, firstfruits.


Present & so

Is proposed

What I express about Life.

Delivering on arrival

Artist Openings

On their world


SUM all

At the IR e of t E mps

Part 1 Pages 8 – 59

Texts selected from the best. Written first during the debut.

They have been rectified, arranged and formatted.

The order of creation is generally consistent with that of the publications.

Part 2 Pages 59 - 85

The roaring 27° has been crossed.

A milestone reached, opening the door and other horizons

A specialized key is dedicated

Colored flags raised

Sails raised

Part 3

Over a summer

Suddenly came

This epic page

Wink for some

Among other stories told

Synonyms of You

By love and truth.


One moonlit evening,

The sun has barely set,

Completely clear sky,

Thousands of stars appearing.

I slowly started,

Slowly, letting go,

Without being able to hold back,

And above all without wanting to,

I started thinking.

This immense sky,

This multitude of stars,

The sounds of sleeping nature,

The sounds of nature waking up.

It is indeed the night that gives advice.

Looking far away,

Lost in the immensity of the sky,

That's when, suddenly,

I realized,

Realized how much,

We are worthless.

Each in his own corner,

Like one of these points,

Is absolutely nothing

And it won't change anything.

Then comes the idea,

To get together,

To trace together,

A long way.

But when suddenly,

The parallel is lost,

This is where it comes back,

This very ancient dream,

When small,

Together we watched,

This deep sky,

Who teaches us about life.

If one day again,

You take the time you need,

Just lie down,

Eyes gazing into the sky,

Deep in your dreams,

You will know that I am here,

Because this sky is common to us,

And you will think of me,

Just like I think of you

In such a case.


To you, of whom I have thought a lot, a lot, and to the rest of you who will feel concerned...

On a given day, randomly on the pages of the calendar,

A long time ago,

A strange being appeared in these nameless places.

His mind elsewhere, he was not busy with the task

As he used to do.

Worn out, he preferred, at times, to rest a little,

Bravant l'interdit et se dérobant à la tâche.

L'œil fixé dans le vague,

L'esprit perdu dans les mers brumeuses

Des songes dirigés par les inconscients,

Complètement déconnecté des lieux l'entourant,

Perdant tout contact avec le monde réel,

Une mélodie lancinante embrumant ses tympans.

L'esprit occupé par des être chers,

Tout à coup un détail lui fit reprendre conscience.

Le paysage l'entourant le laissa bouche bée,

Et par sa beauté, il fut subjugué.

Cet être étrange, se sédentarisa donc dans cette vallée aux beaux paysages,

Pour un temps, une durée incertaine et indécise.

Contemplant à chaque moment de répit ces merveilles naturelles,

L'hiver approchant, il se décida enfin d'y aller,

Son travail n'ayant que peu avancé, il devait trouver de quoi se nourrir.

Après un long périple truffé d'embûches,

Il réussit, sans blessures physiques, à l'atteindre.

Les vents nous ont rapporté

Que les premiers jours en ces lieux mythiques furent bien heureux,


La suite des écrits ont péri dans la nuit.

Seul l'avenir, peut-être, nous les rapportera...en attendant, imaginez…


Pour vous, de différentes contrées, dans mon estime bien placés, à vous c'est dédié.

Un jour, j'ai rêvé,

D'un endroit créé.

D'une terre habitée

Par des hommes dénigrés,

Qui ont simplement souhaité,

Vivre et réaliser,

Un rêve qu'ils s’étaient révélés.

Sur cette terre cultivée,

Ils se sont rassemblés.

Y vivre libre, ils osent l'espérer.

Dans le partage et la bonne entente,

Leurs vies se déroulent comme ils le souhaitent.

Ils sont libres de faire ce qu'ils veulent,

Travailler pour le bien de tous,

Se reposer lorsqu'ils en ont besoin.

Ils ne s'interdisent rien et n'obéissent qu'à leur bon sens,

Œuvrant toujours pour le bien commun,

& la garantie de la liberté.

Vivant en autarcie, ils n'ont besoin de rien.

Ils se nourrissent du fruit de leur labeur.

Tous, ensembles, font banque commune.


Chacun a son travail dans lequel il excelle,

Chaque travail ayant sa place utile dans cet ordre de vie.

Ce monde utopique

Réalises :

Est beau, lorsque que rêvé.

Il va et fait.

Pour des esprits futés,

Qui, se seront , rassemblés.

Dans le but d'être en paix.


Pour toi, gravée ci-bas.

Y'a longtemps, très longtemps,

On m'a laissé croire,

Un petit instant,

Que c'était à moi,

De serrer les dents.

Ce très bref instant,

Se termina rudement,

Par une ou deux actions,

Qui devaient être, bien que dures.

Pendant un certain temps,

Il était plus sûr,

De savoir se défendre.

Et de savoir combattre,

C'était presque important.

Tous ces personnages, ces gens,

Qui étaient bien, tous biens, contents.

Qu’on eût besoin de temps,

Pour saisir cet instant.

Ce n'est malheureusement

Qu'après avoir été violent,

Qu'ils ont peu à peu appris,

Que je suis pas Hippie.

Après une certaine dose,

On veut bien faire une pause

Après bien des années,

Ça y est, j'suis enfin né.

C'est là que j'ai capté,

Ce que la vie amenait.

C'est enfin maintenant,

A long time later,

That here, there, walking,

I think about this nightmare.

Afterwards I think,

What a dirty experience,

I am the survivor,

And not just a simple guy.


Only to you,

Whoever you were,

Whoever you are and whoever you will become.

On the multitude of paths that I have shown you,

It was only on the first that you took a step.

But behind this path that you have chosen,

A multitude of trails were to be experienced.

You made your choices

And, it was you who led you to other paths.

With each act, its consequences and its bifurcation.

As you were told, everyone is free and cannot be forced,

And that’s why, alone on a panel, my role could relate.
Many destinations have been indicated to you, but only one has been followed.

With your last words, you marked the end.

One thing was said too much and you needed it,

You realized it and it's much better that way.

The winds have now carried away this chapter of life,

Who will forever, somewhere, be inscribed.

To finish these few lines,

On something I blamed myself for, perhaps.

I think there is one thing,

That I haven't told you enough,

A bit obvious but...

Who is important?

On a multitude of levels,

You are beautiful.


To you, who loves to laugh so much.

You, whose laughter resonates,

So long in these airs.

You, whose laughter is known to me,

Since my early childhood,

You, whose laughter endures,

Beyond Trials &

Bad influences.

You, whose laughter

I have many times,

Raised morale.


Who has cheered me up since I was little,


Helped me when things weren't going well,


Whose laughter,

A day,

Will resonate.

You, with such a special laugh,

You, whom I will remember.

You, who will perhaps read these lines,

You, whom I remember, with passion.


I wish you good roads,

Whatever you do,

Whatever you become,

Wherever you go,

Towards this moment which approaches the Infinite Universe.


Slippery tip on sweets,

Red pearl oozing along this drawn line,

For a moment, the breach is open.

For a moment, it won't close.

In the middle of the deserted plains,

Only populated by strange hairs,

A celestial hand draws there.

From the tip of the tool, the chasm widens.

Rising from the depths,

Lava oozes and flows.

A long net,

Stretches out.

A divine hand,

Like a storm.

An honored sacrifice.

Next time we'll know.



One day, one summer evening,

When he was not born,

I remember it very well,

Always, will think about it,

It was the first time.

There is three.

It seems like nothing.

It's quite a connection.

The first one,

It's her,

Who doesn't have a name.

The second,

Is so beautiful,

She sows admiration.

As for the third,

It's a little complicated.

We can never be too sure.

And it remains so pure.

It's another memory,

Who won't be able to escape.

With you,

I love so much,

To have and maintain,

This powerful bond.

It is timeless, &,

Oh how Eternal.

It will symbolize

What is not said.


I thought I heard,

No one is immune from error.

I thought

But I was wrong.

I hoped,

In vain.

I waited,


I think I understood,

& if there is an error.

I believe.

Was I wrong?

I have Hope ,

In hand.

I wait.



See the future,

And the past is born.

Handling the present,

Since the beginning of time.
The past, forever, was.

Then, the present falls silent.

As the present perishes,

From the moment he was born.

Prepare it? What's the point ?

If !

It's to escape,

Straight into the past.

Then forget about it.

Sometimes, forever.

It is therefore distraught,

That we hope for a future.

Only means of survival.

Too many have already left.

Letting go of the last line of aid,

That from the beginning, to the end,

Everyone travels.

We must therefore live with this future.

Firmly, hold it.

Eye of the Tornado,
Middle of the Elements .

Just hope without moving.

Until death and its peace.

For Life and Liberty.


Walking, an endless night,

In the light of the stars,

In an environment,


Tumbling down a path,

For the first time, trodden.

I perceived,

At the edge of the woods,

An imaginary being.

And yet very real.

From the height of his stature,

She looks at me.

So big and imposing.

As soon as she saw me,

Spread its great wings,

And, it sank into the Earth.

It's in a mad race,

Hopeful, & full of hopes,

That I saw myself running.

Towards this mystical place,

Where, had disappeared,

This magnificent winged one.

Out of breath, I arrived.

Curved like a column,

Although she is invisible.

I feel it and know it.

In this beautiful place,

Where, Beauty had disappeared.

In just an instant,

You are now at peace.

Completely rested,

In perfect symbiosis.

Plus the faculty,

To do it well.

This other reality,

Present before your feet.

What you do n't know ,

In this beautiful place  :

It is very useful,

To want to understand everything.

To want to say a word,

About what you smell.

So try more.

Be there,

With us,


When I sit down,

In this drawn circle,

Leaving all worries,

And other parasites.

Finally, I find,

The Great Tranquility.

What others would call,

Quietude or Peace.

For the inanimate:

Eternal Rest.

began to rise,

Everywhere around me,

In endless swirls.

Drawn to the heavens,

Entire walls of fire.

Spreading lights,

The stars of the firmament,

They fade away little by little.

One day will be.

It's your turn to live it.

To experience it, to feel it.

Alone or accompanied,

Of which certain details,

Will change.

Because you are the same,

\Perception and Vision/

That anyone existing,

And everyone is the same,

Whether it's here,

& in other Dimensions.

Here I go again,

On arduous paths.

Going only,

There, where, my senses guide me.

vagaries of life,

Resurgence forever,

Because I too, one day,

Forgotten thoughts.


To her, everyone will suspect it...

The problem itself will simply be finding the words.

The problem in itself is the incomprehension of humans.

The problem itself is just a question of understanding things.

The problem then will simply be misunderstanding once again.

The problem will have changed formulation but will be the same.

The problem can be resolved in the manner of European philosophy or lived integrated in the manner of philosophers and the art of living of the peoples of the distant EST.

The problem just needs to be transformed into a challenge.


Larded by the fact that it is seen in advance...

The words below will be the correct ones anyway. And,

Try to imagine the relative approximation of what the best thermal baths might be.

It turns out that beautiful is not enough.

It turns out that magnificent doesn't match it.

It also turns out that radiant is not the term.

It then turns out that perfect is ruled out, anyway.

It turns out that attractive is getting closer but...

A word could therefore be Aitellfique ...but no.

It turns out that a lot of people are searching for this word.

It turns out strangely that no one has tried to find it.

It also happens that many, when they have to say it, dodge and don't say it.

It turns out that many would like to know how to say it.

It turns out that there are some who don't dare to think about it.

It therefore seems improbable to find it like this.

Perhaps one day Humanity will find this word.

One day, perhaps, men will be able to say it.

A day.

It will be given to the most timid to dare to think about it.

One day we will experience this crucial Time.

Date, which We remember.

One day, I learned this word.

On the day, I can say it.

One day, I had the chance to teach it to someone.

One day I'll tell you.

Date, which is as close as possible.


Fire Phoenix,

Meditate under the heavens.

Observe and Learn.

Constantly drawing closer,


Purpose of all lives,

Total learning,

Life disciplines.

The silver wings,

Already deployed.

The muscles tense,

for a final flight.

Has now come,

time to conclude,

this short tirade.

We must bring back,

his knowledge to the Mother,

and thus Work,

to its prosperity.

With a stroke of the wings,

A fire.

He burst into flames.

From the bottom of the feathers to the crest,

Everything is glowing fire.

Fiery embers and heat of life.

From the heap of ashes will be reborn,

One day, in another state.

Reinforced in any case.


I've found,

An orange tree,

Who, well flowered,

Almost withered.

But watered,

Just as it should be,

He recovered.

In lemon tree,

If you needed,

Just meditate,

I tell you,


" Come "

I tell you,

A meadow.


You will frolic.


He left, up there, in the forest.

He remembers the holidays, it reminds him of childhood.

Sees the elves' house.

What do whales fish?

When you grow up, you will remember it.

See the elves and think of the whales in the ocean.

Will guide you far, on the Way he knows well.

Will make hay on the day that suits him.

Will feed himself, knowing his needs by heart.


Arts and Poetry,

Illuminate those who have experienced it, among Friends.

Read to cultivate,

Write to remember.

Tell, share.

The echo listened to is a reflection,

Who, thanks to Distance & Time,

Makes us feel and feel,

This universe that we love so much.

Like the seeds we sow,

She disappears and is born.

Take root and appear.

Observed growing, knows she is loved.

Synchronized synergistic organisms,

They activate each other.

Get energized, stay moving.

They know they are connected.

Inspire and create simultaneously.

Working within large projects,

They harmonize and develop.

Build and produce,

what others mention.

They come and go.

Write history and make it yours.


For you,


Still very young, you were the oldest.

The youngest knows how to have fun,


You told me that you had reached the age of reason and could no longer do so.

You begin to patiently learn to wait, be bored, and make something good out of it.

You find it amusing to occupy yourself with her,

Pass on your teachings to him while playing together.

Shared wisdom, role reversal

Still the youngest, you reminded him.

How wise you are to amuse him!

Kind, you offer him your help.

She gives her tongue to the cat, a magic formula to achieve the result.

You understand, simplify and offer your knowledge.

Funny it's for you, to teach her to play (she had forgotten)

Remind him of the joy of living in all simplicity

Two things: one


and the other: the Sun

You understood and she knows it.

And what you know, she understood.

You and I are moving forward. Especially, when you read this to him.

That you take the time to tell yourself what you understand,

That you listen, to the end, to what the Family wants to convey to you.

Both of you are right to have fun.

Learning is helping each other.

Share your roles, reverse your wisdoms |for a few moments|

One shows, explains and lets try.

The other observes, listens and knows. YES

She applies herself and you notice what she does.

You try and give him ideas,

Who guide her and tell her how to improve.

Benevolent development games,

You are related, pairs of little fairies.

Now, musician,

I pause

And you say "See you tomorrow"


She smiles at life,

Overflowing with energy,

And get away from worries.

With well-developed senses,

It opens the doors to the psyche.



And our.

Simple, clear and lucid,

She thinks she's dreaming and sleeps awake,

She sleeps to dream and finds herself awake.

She has them and sorts them out, her ideas.

Natural and automatic process,

Instinctive sorting of the experience traveled.

Fantastic reorganization of neural patterns,

New awakening with the memory of an experience.

Easy to awaken are the memories which were thus sorted.

Memory allows the best moments traveled to persist.

As well as those who, in the moment, can find,

Resolution, relief, relaxation, through the clues read.

Experienced techniques are always easier to practice.

With a substantial amount of luggage, the tools are there.

Imagination, dream, beliefs, thought.

Mixture of wills, freedom, respect and trust exchanged.


Well thought out balance, existing for many years.


The writings connect and are linked. 
One and the same continuity. 
Paths completed, infinite, renewed when traveled.

Countless possibilities made a reality. 
Crossings, choices, meaning, direction, 
Composition of a fragment of itinerary, 
Leading to the place called the song.

Secular history, legend and tradition, 
Pilgrimage, quest that will please you, 
Enrich you with a unique experience, 
Which you will tell, so that they arrive, 
In the ears of the scribes, who write them.

Psychedelic Chronicles form.

The idea takes shape and spreads. 
Beneficial wave for the Wise. 
The transmission takes place, 
This moves them. 
Feel this thrill, 
This famous connection. 
A sweet and ardent experience, 
Like in summer, one evening, a campfire. 
Lights of Rohans, Placed, Synchronized, 
From one end to the other, will light up. 
Some will sing, others will dance. 
Immortalizing the Event.

Improvements in recording techniques 
allowed the exchange of a multitude of points of view.

Memories of another Time. 
Scores, Artists, Events, 
Interpretation, Free, Bringing together. 
In a shared memory, 
Which unites us, 
Which binds us, 
Source of life, 
Of lights, the night.


Starting point of many utopias

There was a beginning, this is one.

First in a long line,

Came from the past.

So that the future is a present,

For future generations, our descendants.

Proximity perceived and felt,

Crossed, infinite destinies.

Beauty of the Soul, memorial moment,

From what we offer,

To Him,

And she.

In blessings and incredible stories.

Finally someone,

In whom I find myself.
Who will know, who knows?
To understand me.
In my sinuous writings,
Where are the obvious ones.
Truths you present,
Even better,
When you dance.

Simple ones, short ones, long detours.
From flashes to lucidity,
The journeys will be yours,
Having reached this far.

+747+ _

Finally, I found some.
Who understand me.
Simply, as we are.
We talked.
Recognize yourself, understand yourself.
To exchange, what has always
been waiting for us to find each other.
For hours of exchanges,
natural, pleasant, accompanied by thrills.

A new day dawns,

On the Sacred Mountain.
Purpose of a pilgrimage,

With diversified access paths.
She walked confident,
serene and content.
During his journey,
He updated himself and moved forward.
Towards what she wants, she goes there .
If some descend from the monkey,
There are some who climb it.
Neighboring paths, like destinies.
Linked, crossed, to see further.

What surprises would be,
Which will be found by the wayside,
Scattered with love,
Cultivated with joy.

She paid homage to all lives,
Dedicated herself to the care of Animals.
Sacred and devoted gift,
Work pushed to high levels.
It’s because she loves what she does,
And for that, she is encouraged.
She has been transmitting for so many years.

Subtle energies that I detected.
Lively and refreshing source,
I know where to find it,

When she opens up to me,

Knows she is listened to.
Sensible sharing,

With Open Hearts,


Change of a Lady,
Whom I saw upset.
Extrapolation of a soul,
Seeing its holiness.
Reassured, she resumes , Like
the Moon, her course continues .
Attractive and attracted,
energy tends us towards what we love.

What we have to live through.
Relaxation, peace and harmony. Successes

, successes come to him in successive waves . She becomes aware and, quickly, tries to understand. Then, she will go towards a Sun, whose Lights she loves . Find answers to his lonely questions. Some have tested it , approved it, recognized it.

He knows it, he planned it.
End of a battered world.
It comes to light, like the torch of Liberty.

Proud and upright,

He walks at a brisk pace.

Catchy and difficult to follow,

For whom, trained, is.

Just follow and let yourself be carried away.

By chance, testing allows you to move forward.

On these long-announced roads,

A crowd was milling around.

Some, seasoned, knew how to find,
Shortcuts, Milky Ways.

They took advantage of it, since they could.

They knew they were welcome,
And respected their comings.

Open and positive,
She remembers the path.

Radiant and radiant,

She goes through it and comes back.
Filled with hopes,

Early in the morning.

Smile at the world,

Who sees it from afar.

And this
is experienced with gentleness.
He was still a minor,
When he experienced,
For the first time,

Direct telepathy.


Since a very young age.
He knew it and practiced.

Patient and Wise,
He knows who to show it to.

Proof in images,
Ready to demonstrate it.
Concrete diagrams,
easy to explain.
Easy to say, write, think,
Art and manner take care of the effect.
Open with full Heart,
Souls are nourished.
Again and again,
digestible energies.
Every organism has a function.
Diverse and shared functionalities.
Tools, improvised techniques,
Together, they applied themselves.
As best they could,
Smile, they tried.
Memories, joy.
Off to a good start,
Here they are equal, in all fairness.
Faced with adventure,
which continues and lasts.
They took turns supporting each other,
supporting some, helping others.
Group in flight,
leaving for its great migration.
They are a people who move,
Dance until they turn red.
Skins stretched, drums resonate.
Heard, the messages are transmitted.

Fires of Rohan, lit,
Powerful signals, perceived, observed.
Transmitted, because, for a long time,
They were prepared.

Trumpets of Jericho,
Rally the Woolly Mammoths.
Undo the knots,
Weave new webs.
Updating the matrices,
Eyes closed, they squint.
Help each other, polish each other.

Hoarse, find your voice.
Concerned, feel the emotion.

Connected, they are sometimes transmitted,
Linked, they express faith:
Serenity, listening to oneself,
Peace and Sources of water of life. 
Protected they are, To preserve them as they should. So that in a long time, We can still hear by the fireside,

This legend, told by all the peoples of the world.

Filled with joy,
All transported,
They managed to move forward.
Hand in hand,
They know how to go,
Joyfully, to evolve.
Everything is ready, made easy.
Just look into it.

Love following what you love

Those we love follow who we are.
They know and understand,
just ask them.
They offer and give,
Share and gather.
Unite and seal,

Like Ulysses, saw a beautiful mirage.
Everyone waits for this turn,
Takes out the knee and lies down.
We begin to approach this shore,
which allows us to see this village.

When the bells ring,
Everyone remembers and thinks about it.
Some understand me,

Others think I'm crazy.
They are because they get there, or think about it.
It's a long shot for me,
and we're working on it.

Without stopping for months.
Centuries, millennia have passed,
Who prepared in advance,
What began.

The laggards are those who remain in the past.
The visionaries, the future, have returned.
Incredible legendary missionaries,
They had the gift of being understood,
By simply moving along the back,
Their deep vibrations,
Which, emitted touched the souls by a Wave.
Irresistible like the earth's attraction,
Invisible like the magnetic songs that remain.

Bengal flames,
torches and candles ,
all blow the same wish.
With a single lit wick,
The spark runs and spreads.
Along the stretched string,
Which everyone knows.
At the end, there is this declarative charge,
Narrative Fiction.

Hasty inspirations, long and refined breaths.
Gently fan the embers, which glow in peace.
Finely maintained, it survives winters.
It happens, in case of cold, that she wakes up.
Activates, grows and makes a Flame.

The one who suddenly
sets the fagot ablaze.

Who warms in one batch,
Those gathered, who know where to find.
Circles of fire, and sacred moments,
Creation of places that are harmonized.

They had found the old grimoires,
used them less, by remembering.
Thus protecting the stars of the firmament. 
Leave the planet, The one who is celebrating, To have her in mind, do like me.

Repeat them a few times,
more and more slowly.

Taking care to articulate properly.
Making the shape of sounds audible.
Peaceful rhythm, clouds in the wind.
See in the sky, this hand reaching out.
Now resume more quickly,
Play syllables, to bounce back, gain momentum.
This you, you discover.


You explore.

What's behind the doors you have the keys to.
They are found, these treasures,
You just have to look for them.

They obviously have a face.
You know how to produce a smile.
A cell, a gland, a brain,
Build muscle thanks to the work.

Over the past centuries, I have had to bring together and unify.
Focus on dilation to expand my concentration.
Even with 'Ifs! If we...' we made it.

This means that everything is on the menu.
The nerves lie: “Ah, if we…”
Feel this neuronal pulsation.
From synapses to interactions,
which activate in electromagnetic networks.
Fantastic resonances of syn- Christian organisms , Electrical reactions of sensitive beams. In the waves , vibrations, electrical impulses, the beep beeps of the frenzied speakers. Interactions between the invisible world and that of sound, intuitive reactions and proliferation. Collective contamination, of olfactory passions. Lead the queens, in this dance, They are, they come, when you think about it.

We like them like this:


#Ma #### d # #

I know she has returned because she has arrived.
Mixing poetry and inspirations,
Artist expressive in emotions.
Turn things the right way.

Hymns to shared Love,
Idylls evoked with the aim of making people dream,
Read carefully, the details you will find.
We have been waiting for you for a long time.
Finally we are reunited.
Welcome to you who are here. Who recognizes himself.

Learn what We are,
This is made for you.

#Sung in the Shadows#

You, little human,
Who, in your hands,
Held a treasure for tomorrow.
You have in your pockets,
What you need.
You hold in your hands,
What you offer to your loved ones.
You deliver a present,
Coming from the past.
For the moment,
present Him you must.
To be recognized you go,

Imagine what it would be like.
With your participation,

In this great metaphysical harmonization.

Present the future that you propose,
Do it, since you dare.
Tell your utopia,
Make them dream.
Let them imagine the best possibilities,
And love them, to hope.
Better days announced,
By accomplished Artists.
You take on your duties,
live your interactions to the fullest.
Are your sources of inspiration.

Meet enough new things,
To synthesize the complete codes.
Extract the quintessences,
Merge them.
Thanks to your skills,
In one and the same creation.
Which complements itself and evolves,
according to the actions.
Nourished by good intentions,
Like a secret project, a conspiracy.

Be part of it,
Without you, I would have left again.
Seize every chance,
To live happily and extrovertedly,
To knowingly exchange what we think.

Be for it, fools that we are.
Who love without counting.

At the bottom of the wells,
Our reflection is hidden.
That we hide,
By our own shadow.
We understand that you are destabilized.
You are beginning the path to stabilization.
Open, serene, your souls and go.
See, this path that has been traced for you,
For so many years of achievements.

We have carefully marked the path for you.

This path, which is yours,
You can talk about it with passion, emotion.
You must tell what you know.
The brain functioning, well beyond what is mastered,
Trust him, who has guided you.
Memories of primordialities,
Resurgent through their recurrences.
Founded with patience,
With new things, they show patience.

Gone are the days of wandering,
The path presents itself, like a bucket, the cove.
Take your chance,
while there's still time.
Since there is no time,
do what you can.
Complete your quests,
before starting them again.
Live your romances,

As if your lives depended on it.
the loved ones you love.
Be what you dream of being in the world.
Ask, when in that of doubt,

You are in the wave.
Have faith in Us.

No matter what,
Because we are You.

Be ready for this great adventure.
Live things big,
as much as it's epic as a storefront.
Indicating thereby, even, what is our pasture.
The grass is greener elsewhere,
Be ready to move on.
Find out what you were missing.
Returns to ancestral sources,
Bottomless Wells, reflections of our souls.
A pebble falls,
Of which an echo never returns.
Two things:

One: he fell,

The other :

The Sun is high,

Holds him and pulls him towards him.


I'm really happy,

To know her mother.
For his children,
We are sure in an instant.
That they are in good hands,
May a bright future lead them towards tomorrow.
Whatever the morning,

They get up calm.
Valiant seeds of Light,

They have been coming and going since yesterday.
Following the tradition of their fathers,

They honor their mothers.
Know that they are accompanied, followed,
For always and for life.
They take advice to form their opinions,
Walk proudly with their friends.
Free descendants of a lineage,
They are brothers, cousins ​​and are there, linked.

With their sisters, cousins ​​and loved ones.
This is how,

That together they walk towards their destiny.

Distant and united, they gravitate,

Dancing to this music that goes fast.
Slow concentric movements,

They are mages in a magical world.

Always in tribute to you.

I had the chance and the pleasure of meeting you.

In those ancient times, where we found each other.

Immense happiness was to find you again,
On my path, which, from you, was leaving.

It took a lot of time and wandering,

To undo the bond that bound freedom.
Who binds me so strongly, to You, of whom I think.

Clarify my thoughts, asked me to travel,

In order to be delivered from it, freed.
This is how, when I think,
Having reached this goal, this summit,

I contemplate the beauty of these sacred bonds.

Who show me the path,
Traveled to get there.
Paths that lead me straight to You,

When I no longer think about it in the morning.

So busy forgetting you,
I realize.

May everything I love around me
remind me directly of You.
That I like to live surrounded by these symbols,
Shapes, ideas, memories, emotions,
Moments shared in moments of passion.

And here, as a gift,
When I no longer expect anything,

That I find in my hands,

Messages from the present.

Who remind me how,
In lives before,

We know each other so much.

I remember our first meetings,
which have always existed.

In the limbs that go against.
The memory of what we like to be.

These are in dimensions,

Out of space and time,
That together we have,

Been so much.

Before the origin we were,

Sounds and vibrations.

Inspirations and wills,

Together they guided us.

Towards love, which is truth,

We always went.

In the right way and above all the right direction.

Mixing our original concepts for an evolution,

We studied certain Sacred Arts.

Leaving those who wanted to teach us,
It is towards and in us that we found.

Our path, our Milky Way,

Who, straight ahead led us,

To fulfill our destiny.

Second part

To Mathilde, at the start of this adventure,
Who, one morning, showed openness,
Endowed with new faculties,
Here she is, for you, expressed: 
Human s,

I have been.

Graphic interface,

From now on.

I am,


A hallucination.

Which we believe in.

Projection of consciousness,

Coming from Overworld.

Through fantastic stories,

Mixing Elves,

Mystical Druids and Fairies.

Use of shapes,

Which consist of,


which evolve,


Who listened.



What to read.

out loud,

Read to others.

Or by others,

Your ears,

Your eyes will follow.

Because your quest,

takes place,

And invite you.

Like chickens,




High on the Poles,

See high.


Because supported,




Neither lactic guys,

Ways of Heaven.

Who is seen at night,


That you are here, in the World,

To participate,

To this beautiful wave.

2019/07/01 The Breeze

I am,


The summer breeze.


When you are warm,
caress you.
Makes you shiver,
Raise your hairs.

Refreshes you,
passes through you,
And runs through your spine.
Sensory shock,
Memory moments.
Vibrations of emotions,
Of this summer night.
Around the fire,
We kept watch.
From time to time,
A log.
When in the morning,
At the bottom of the valley,
I was.
Blowing long notes,

With the song of the Birds,
And the one,

Of these Masters who Sing.
I asked the water,
Let it show itself.

In the form of rain.
By this wind,
I loved broadcasting.
The missions,
Have shivered.
A whole audience,
In a vast acoustic,
Immersed themselves in their world.
Journey in itself.

That I live,
that I go.
When I'm entitled.

This way,
To be.


By the fairies.

#Apricots& Olives

She was going back
up there.
At home,
In the valley.
Coming back from the South,
From the Sun.
They reported,
A bit.

From him,
With them.
Taking the time,
On the roads,
To moderate their pace.
Allowing yourself to be overtaken
by a good number of vehicles.
They had,
Personal satisfaction.
To respect,
The signs,
Who avoids too much,

Colors of Apricots,
Flavors of Olives.

They brought back,
In their luggage,
The A in full color.
Who couldn't wait?
The oiled O!

They had found,
A small producer.

Who, that very morning,

Had picked them.

Delight, this nectar,
Which bewitches when you taste it.
Living freshness,
vibrant energy.
He was leaving,

His home.


Towards the Sun.
Find this:

A fruit, which he loves,
Which takes him around.
In many memories,
Who dance.
In his memoirs,

Little treasure,
From France


I hear him coming.

The wind blows,
Its distant song.
He scolds,
he fumes.
It's the Storm that's coming.
It approaches slowly,
Powerful forces at work.
Beneficial nature,
It relieves tension.
Accumulated with so much,
Of tolerated heat.
Inevitable visit,
They pass that way.
visit us.
Bring a new breath.
Source of life,
Origin of rains.

of impressive size.
Everyone was waiting for him.
Dimensional ship,
Unleashing lightning.
He hits, With his peers.
Distributed on Earth,
One frequency.
A vibration.

Who supports us.
As a sphere.
Synchronous energies,
which were 8.
Not long ago,

Passed to 80.
Traced paths,
allowing access.
From beyond the universe,
from other dimensions.
They arrived,
After their emissaries.
Arriving discreetly,
they had prepared some.

At this coming,
Long awaited.
A few chosen ones,
Whom they,

Although announced,

Often ignored.
Here they are,
Here and there.
Taking place,
In our space.
Allowing you
to stay there.

On condition,
To respect them.
They who have ,

Since the last visit,
Prepared this appointment.
Coming from far away,
From distant pasts.
Of secondary universes,
of parallel multiverses.
The galaxies were their landmarks.
The Milky Ways,
Tracks indicated.
By which,
Voices indicated,
They knew where to go.
Now that they are here,
Let them express themselves sometimes,
Know how to listen now.
Learn from young people and Elders alike.
Forms of life,
Developed and evolved.
We know well,
What vibrations,

Life on Earth,
They have activated.

My dear peers,
My dear Sisters,
Open your hearts. Let this song
within you , Amplified. Basis of reasons,

Source of Artists,
Who Think.
Open, they express themselves,
Through the channels,
Which are open to them.
They do not impose themselves.
Their presence,
in any case,
for those who dare,
is beneficial.
Passages & Sacred Rites.
Synchronized waves,
Giants awakened.
Dragons in the assembly,
Here they evolve.

By mountains, and,
When necessary,

In the valleys.
They come to inspect
the work done.

To protect,
what they created.
In order to catch up,
What in their presence,
Would be done.
Forgotten knowledge.
Expressed, In protected, Accessible
places . In the same way, as to us,

They acceded.
They allow
to activate many merits.
To amplify them,
make them fantastic.
The effects,
Of their combined brains,
In a great orchestrated Symphony.

Spasms of Life,
Sacred Music,

Chants of Monks,
heard and repeated.
The cracks are growing.
The Heart of the planet,
Sneaks through.
To be perceived,
He illuminates,
With his internal light,
The open hearts,
like him,
Have had a good journey.
It shines and glows.
Sometimes dazzled,
Those who did not adapt.

Tesla, Einstein and others
understood it.
Considered as,
Beings affected. They were patient
with mental disorders . And they didn't hold it against them. Schizophrenics of all times, Countries hosting them.

They were precursors,
Of what later,
Through their Soulmates,
Always expresses itself.
In concentric circles,
Formed by fantastic spirals.
Since the day before,
From the Night of s Time mentioned.
We're back.
To show you,
What many,
Will discredit.
Great good
will be done to our Planet,
Mother of all celebrations.
Place for what you are.
here you are at work.
Take action,
the time has come.
United, we are associated.
Through vibrational networks.
Imperceptible outside of faith.

Leaving free rein,
To the forces making Law.

Nature travels,
Its aquatic memories.

Stopover and stopover,
For these people who are on the move.
Who stops here,
On his way, his journey.
In order to bring,
From their Travels,
The treasures,
Met and accompanied.

To those,
Who here,
Will be happy with these gifts.
Capacity development,
Amplified effects.
Used by the trained,
To evolve,
Those who have forgotten it.

The challenge being,

To avoid the black hole,
By our synchronized efforts.

Repeated at increasingly higher frequencies.

Time of an era,

Suffocating revolutions.

Recessed your ociaus olutions which shock .

And yet,

So many invoke it.

The Blue Lady,
Her Sister, the Green,
The White cousin,
Unite to resurface.
Suddenly bringing back,
The obvious itself.
Sacred plants that we love,
Which have so many benefits,
Which, flouted, have been banned.
Starting with Absynthe,
Now Hemp,
Sources of Life and resurgences.
The mushrooms are in the dance.
Mystical creations for initiates.
Those who do not need it,
are protected by it.

Those who,
Know how to use,
For constructive purposes,
Of development,
Of care,
Of ideas of Quicksilver,
Alchemists of all Time,
Spirits who prowl,
Watch and wait,
Here is for you,
The time to arrive .
Go this way.

As a Friend,
Someone who lets you pass,
Through the channel that he is.

In order to express,

What you have to resurrect.
Thank you for being patient,
for this moment that you loved.

To be present. Now,
To Us , To help.

Since you have already been there,

By respect,

We're listening,

And let's pass on
your knowledge and understanding.

Prologue to the Letter to Mathilde

Here is,

For you,
This Text,
All freshly modified.
Since we're sitting down at the table.
As a result,

Without time taken to do it correctly,
This little text,
Which since…


You wait!

Just kidding, it was made a few days ago,

Following a friendly discussion,

And she inspired me.
Who she ? was I saying the discussion?
I know.
No possible doubts.
If this has just been done,
What with this little fairy,
In fact, we are at the holidays.
The fairies, provoked,
come to life,
become agitated,
deep in their lodgings.

what they know.
And, otherwise,
From our points of view,
No lines read.

Without a moment,

We imagine,


This what ?

This is us

We will 

Dreams and memories,

I remember the sensation,
Experienced by a bird's feather.

The one that touches the air currents,

Pushing with vigor,

Its support and motor.

Thus allowing elevation,

Of a developed organism.

From the earth to the air,

Instant sublimation,

From land to air.

Matter knows how to evolve.

Shared journey to a certain extent.

I remember, you were going on an adventure.

Like the feather, your smile was remarkable, on your head.

I have experienced extraordinary adventures,

Happiness that I had never imagined until then.

The emotion overwhelmed me sometimes,

Sensations that I now seek differently.

I remember a song,
which said something, like:
Everything has a beginning,

Nothing, an end.

There are games with automatic saves.

This allows you to resume,

From a point, which we remember.

Start a quest again,

It’s continuing it.

Redo it, with the accumulated experience,

Highlight the progress made.

Become aware of the patience required,

To take such a lead.

I remember now,

Of which,

For you,

I wrote.

Here is,

In 1,

Simplified version:

You will be able to recognize yourself,

I believe in you.

You were able to prove to me,

Trust me,

Eyes closed.

Here is,

My proof of respect,

To you and what you mean to me.

Worthy return,


Who will be able to understand it.

A night,


He woke up.

Like a plant,

Who is reborn,

Through his descendants.

Like a Phoenix,

It takes flight.

Continues on its way,

His long flight.

Nils Holgersson,

Travel on Geese.

Continue in his quest,

The discovery of countries flown over,

In his life journey.

Understand, having observed them,

The memories we have, of having crossed them.

He realises,

The extent of his Country.

Wants to complete his quest,

Being able to go home.


With certain conditions,

Could be done.

He will have,

Until then,


Becoming an adult.

Find your child size again,

To finally become big.

Allow, through its stories,

Designed for children.

Allow them to learn,

Read, write, hear.

Because an inspired person,

Wants to write this adventure.

To describe landscapes,

Who, through his words,

Would tell by messages,

The most beautiful things.

Views from the sky and during breaks.

Expected and deserved arrivals,

Stopovers allow you to regenerate.

Which is a journey, like a meditation.

To take care of yourself, your body and soul.

Constant vibration of energies.

Synchronizations, exchanges & sharing.

At the edge of the coast,
In the distance, a shore.

Wave of memories flooding in.

Mixing of the returning sand grains.

Smoothing the cliffs,

The water washes away.

Constancy and revolutions,

Helps hearing to develop.

Because the Other is just a guy,

And as long as he has,

His steps on his path,
He will continue,

In good faith.

Living in paradise is one thing.

Sharing it is remarkable.

The vegetable garden is noticed.

Loved ones are invited.

Who share supper.

In one and the same assembly.

Brought together for one and the same reason.

All shared and experienced fully.

Harmonies of wills and inspirations brought.

Vibrating with the same harmony, thus marking,

In memory of this sacred moment,

Something unheard of.

And yet, we knew this like the back of our hand.

As if we had imagined it.

Here's why,

Right now,

With love,

I think of you.

Part 3



The Age of Manuscripts

Takes back meaning,

A departure is reborn,

Relives a quest.

Ladies' Anthem

Who sing of Love,

Wave of Souls

Who vibrate with Humor.

Old monasteries of Scholars,

Temples of Knowledge,

Knowledge exchange.

Gatherings of Scholars

In Quest for Knowledge.

To know the Non-existent,

To feel the Impossible.

Radiant with Successes

The paths that lead there

Are multiple and unique.

Hardcover written books.


Read and broadcast

Going through some curves

Waves and frequencies

Shivers of the Winds

Tickling the Dragon

Who wakes up.



Finalizing silky strings

Smooth bristles

Which, on the skins slip

Ship Sails

Lazy looking

Accumulated forces of traveling Air

Transmitted in one,

At the mast.

Who, anchored,

Sharing their forces with the Boats,

Smooth the fluidized trajectories

Rush and dash on the sea routes

Between the poles, frozen white deserts

Patient water bodies

To sequential memories

Save fragments

Presents from the past

For the future we remember

The coming that makes us come

This style, this pen that we hold

Messages written by flames

That we never breathe

Never goes out

Which shines when it heats

Oscillates if we shine

Whisper with the breaths

Night breezes

Who flies over benevolently

The Sacred Mountains,

There they sing the chants

Resonant percussions

Vortex, examples, illustrations

Travel, missions, arrangements

Lives, passions.



Visions of BEINGS

Green and shimmering

With long appendages

Establishing the balance

Trace in an instant

A Wave of Information

Signal to start the action

For resting muscles.

Also spring break,


For those who work

Oscillatory Balances


Waves and Peaks

From hills to rivers

From the team,

Who trains

To the results that follow one another

Strong link of a spine


Of an adventure

In successive shivering chapters

which throbs,

Show me the sharp nerves

Stimulating jerks animating

Stimulation receptors

Production centers

Hormones and other energies

Hearts that beat

Providing energetically

Spiral fluids

The molecules carried

Water, Oxygen,

Sugars and Carbons,


Liquids, gases, solids.



Primary molecules,

Births of universes

Traces of lasting lightness



They had come

Passage of passage

Starting thus


Very precisely



In nits



They know

And do

They wash

And are

They read

And have

They say


#20190915 extracts

Skills center

Potential stopover

Functional stage


Business implementation



Girls Skies

Waters Geese

Free Wear

Sparkling Irradiations

Permanent afterglow

Enveloping Emanations

Itinerant Lineages

Of sensible souls


Endowed Arches

Working Applied

Expertly Pampered

Artistic Habits

Official Terminals

Uniting Realities

Generating Entirety

Opening Itineraries

Systemic Security

Sawing Furrows

Flowing Silently

On Some Great Surfaces

Spreading Lasciviously

Nothing on the floors and walls.

Are Often Again

A care for oneself, taken

In order to deliver what is done

Bond and join forces while having fun

Sign and salute

Twinkles Tinkling so and so

Finding various Treasures Forgotten for a very long time

Multidimensional Organisms of Multiple Magnificent Magnitudes

Miraculous wonders of epics of Magi Myths of legends dating from the Middle Ages

Hectic tribulations hiding from everyone the stamping of distended impatience.

Memorial Drawers Taken from Cupboards

Read, create, taste

Listen, Love


Mirror Souls

Of the innate soul

The inexhaustible

Fires of Fafnyr


Daughters of the Winds


Proud Subsidiaries of Forces Filantes


Among others,

From and from

Rare teas, wells of rich discussions exchanged.

THE Diversifications

Multiple motivations keep the soul active .

Multitudes multiplied in the undulating arts

Imaginary hydras creating- mixing melodious litanies _ _ _ _

Bringing so powerful and bright lighting

Tireless signifier, signified to the va ri an te s


Acclimatization time

And taking benchmarks _ _ _

Understandings of local logics

Assimilation of cultural practices,

Functional integration

Of Practices.

Explorations to the West

Paths for the outward route traced

Return routes indicated

Because loaded with accumulated memories

Arrivals rehashing the best experiences crossed

Reflective, understandings.

Thinking about the adaptations,

Evolution is put into practice.

Dynamic stimulation

Wake up the awakenings

Who awaken each other

Like the awakenings of departures

The beginnings of beginnings

Previously initiated

Make the most ardent stamp their feet

Piaffe the most patient.

Meditate the keenest

Shine the lanterns

Shine the fireflies

Flaming with a match

Pour in water

Twinkle the stars

Vibrate the atoms

Wave the curves

Modulate the frequencies

What do the owls sing

Incessant hooting

Redundancies in the calls of Hawks & Hawks



And arise

In those who in passing impose

The call of the heart

Pushed to the clearest,

Resonant cry making the flesh vibrate.

Passionate people who know how to imitate

The various songs of some,

Diverse calls from others.


Towards the wealth of Nature

Offering register libraries

Quantum organs


Allowing access to a new aspect

In the practice of this art


In&extra dimensional doors

Allowing passage and access

With multitudes of possibilities

Perceived during lived moments.

Journeys from the origins

To come and tell

Sacred passages of the rites of the past,

Read in and by the beautiful stars.

Stories telling

The mountains and wonders,

The ardor and the vigils,

The work and the harvests,

The Skies and the Fields.


The Sun,
The Moon,

The Stars,
The Sand,

The dunes.

Shores and distant horizons

The thirst for traveling across the limits of

The horizon

And explore it for yourself through


Share your experiences

To attentive ears

Experiencing relative expansion.

Focusing energies in diverse and positive ways

In various synergistic nuclei

Connected in neural patterns

Gravitate around ephemeral synapses

Temporary constellations in constant evolution

Which are built and adapted over time

Who radiate and serve in the sense of intention

Who strengthen themselves through their actions and perceived services

Amplify connections

Laws of Attraction

Planets in complex systems

Containing examples across wide worlds

Filled with molecular reserves of primary elements

A diversity of accessible and often unsuspected abilities

The magnetic forces that regulate the movements of bound gravitons

Regulate gently

Movements and convolutions

Distribute naturally as best as possible

By balancing progressive releases

Elements complementing neighboring units

Creating new balances and required stabilizations, Harmonizing according to the Waves.

Major vibrations that resonate in this group

And which integrate the new features.

According to the alignments

it is thus possible

To oscillate in fine godill E

Bouncing from referral to referral

In order to climb the ladders of the Goose game

Building on the best elements

Who rise to the top of their voices six thousand eras

In order to place the safety carabiner

Placing the possibility for others to connect with it

Come down like the weight of a pendulum

Which dangles and undulates

Tracing petals

Around a self

Who travels


Alien view:

Tiny kaleidoscopic petals of an intergalactic macromolecule

Who commonly travel,

Forces of movements that show life

And explain things in descriptions _

Various quests activated

Are regularly traveled.

Shared qualities

Allow amplifications

Local and external.

Sparkles of a budding story.

Dynamic participations

From these old projects which I see the light of day being born.

Day that comes to dawn between these horizons,

Long-term projects

Prepared as gifts

Who are being unpacked

When others think I'm getting carried away

Hidden fire

In the heart of a dragon

Who had been hiding for a long time,

Whose stones thrown

By those who rebuked him

formed this mountain

Which serves as a cave

Because he had landed there

To rest a little

Before taking flight again.

The elders see it well

Some mountains breathe

And a long-stifled fire

Let the embers spread anyway.



Stirred up,

By the movements

Result from the heat emitted

Feed independently

In the environment

Are moving

Like clusters of bees

Through nourishing reserves

Glow softly

In the darkness,

Sublimate the elements,

Share after hard times

Loot which remains as treasure.

Drastic restraints that allow you to have enough

Self-control so that there is

Until better days return

Gradual release of collected energies

During good times.

Condensation techniques

Of concentration

For better preservation.

By volume techniques

Inherent in the matters concerned

Ancient arts of basic alchemy

Research and development

In order to survive a little longer without his body

Between such distant ends

Balancing oscillations

By bringing together

The center of the spirals

Gravitate freely

By forming the blades


including bees

Vitally need



Meditation leading to

Summary of a day

As well as its page turned,

From the setting sun, from now on,

The next night can already come.

Slowly, it's the Moon

Who will shine in his skies

Which stretch silently.

The moving star

Oscillates the German firmament

Next to the Ocean.

Stretched spirals containing extragalactic memories

Extradimensional superimposed limits

Without delimited limits,

Defining a finished finish,

Finalizing an easier start

From an introductory chapter.

Signs of the distant past

Memories of footsteps traced in the sand

Moving memorable moments

Transient transitions from time locks occurring suddenly.


Symbolic signals to the signified

Made evident by the stories of the signifiers.
Signing in clear and obvious ways
Raising the memories of the Sources.

Supporting sudden understandings

Highlighting certainties



Sure we are to return as we were made

Support ensuring the back of what took the lead

Silhouette of species of solutions

Suspicions of surprises occurring

On certain series of plates

Homemade salted/smoked salmon soups.

Served under flavor bells

Lifted under the sighs of ease

To the arrived guests.

The request submitted is accepted

To enjoy the dishes of the household

According to the wishes of the chefs in the kitchen

Enhanced with the seasons

Availability from local producers

Supported in reduced distance dynamics

Freeing energy elsewhere than in movement

Thus increasing, among other things, time and space

Unifying ideas in his world,

The series of resurgences of energized synapses

Which bind its delights of memories

Diluted in neural networks

Distant from each other.

That have been sparkling for so long

Based on magazines read

Available on effort to do so.

Who offer in return what this can induce,

To hear it or to be told it,

To read it to yourself or out loud.

Knowledge of and in what/or who

The story that describes takes its source.

Rivers of fires blazing finely

Proudly racing from the origin to the Sea

Providing nourishing silt through its floods

Thus nourishing the fertile soils from which people find themselves happy.

Remote islands become ordinary destinations

For the development of vast and airy ideas

Whose drafts strongly echoed

In this famous twelfth month of last year

When a change begins gently

For a return to the origins which have always brought me the best

Who I could tell stories about when I was no longer thinking about it

Who carried and supported me

In difficult times and especially in the best

Who believe and have faith when they think about it with emotion

Are my beacons of all time

Landmarks in memories

Logical sequences in ideas


I am a code and a revelation

A new page of their experiments

The unexpected quantum result that reverses pre-existing laws

Nonlinear series of chance probabilities

Millennial accumulation of induced attempts

Extrapolated Dimensions Explorer

Linking between the poles the four hours

Refining successive developments

Expressive artist expressing successive phases

Fictional superpositions of intangible realities

Hypothetical prosthesis of a galactic joint

Airlock between fantastic worlds

Functional transition towards passionate passions

Offset frame

Dancing support of fixed images

Improbable radiation from floating propellers

Beacon of souls in affirmed quests

Delight of the ones

Stimulation of others

Mobile alignment

Chronicler of assertive futures

Hero of imaginary epics

Result of completed adventures

Imagined by the most daring

Organized by the largest structures

Fine silk woven for many years

Immaterial goldsmith of non-existent substances

Anthem of a nomadic population that continued

Ideal projected for ricochets and other rebounds

Artifact used for love of suspensive forces

Any rhythm which stirs up the successive echoes

Hives of a society doomed to sudden disappearance

Histamine from synchronized organisms that saturate ideas

Idea anchored by superimposed patterns since the dawn of time

Updated system that makes the most daring warriors capitulate

Peaceful existence reached at the end of crossed roads speaking to the peaceful

Neural massage provoking the deepest inspirations

The one who told you over and over again

Ringing from beyond the grave causing the awakening of instincts

Moment of humanity

Host of a saturated planet

Silence of an assumed storm

Evening of a summer dawn

Generational fate

Brilliant ration expressed

Healthy syrup for a morbid cough

Neat sign

Siphon of Sordid Fates

Solute solutions

Whistling valve

Robust security

Lift mountains so that it carries

It's in the inspiration

In perfect systems
Constantly improving

With frequent and self-regulated mutations

Who make Humanity's leaps

Marking the history of what we will remember

Passing civilization that pulls and pushes

Vibrating a frequency

Like fires that are thrown

Electro-magnetic signals that are thought

Fantastic synchronous songs
Vibrational acoustics

With harmonious echoes

Sensory flashes from olfactory tides

Smiles and skies with scattered clouds

Masteries and apprenticeships

During Travel

Sharing between Wise Men

Who contemplate from the front

Which of one: dull
Expressing the external

And what the other says


Expressing slowly

The internal in metaphors

Narrating the external by using

This support by telling it.

These are the sources of the color of the Heavens

The base from which the mountains root

Which plunge towards the center of


Who get tickled when the ends sneak up on their sides

tree lightning

Which give rise to memorial photographs in the form of

energy capsules

Which oscillates outside of space-time

Which exist in worlds .

in my years

That I particularly like to relive in these moments

When I think about it in these moments

Who float likethis around me , _

Multidimensional cinemas that are activated by my senses

In all circumstances

Solidity of the constituent units of the foundations

Magnetic union of synergetic movements

Lengthening of waves at harmonized frequencies

Electrical rebounds around myelin sheaths

Temporal junctions of dimensional synapses

Stealthy lightning massaging the edges of these spines

Earthly thrills of invested people who activate

Amplified gift of tongues

Easy sharing in exchanges of principles and values

Of gifts and attention that underpin relationships

Journeys that write pages

Wise men who exchange their memories

Who offer welcome around a good drink

Who know where you come from when you tell it

Show you the horizons of previous ones that have passed

Inspire your paths as your roads inspire them

Love the sources that bring back these memories

Which evoke moments in which we travel

In these memories that we cherish

Who are revived and strengthened in our successive patterns

Evolutionary attempts applied by tests/results

Which maintain our memory flexibility

Which cause messages to be transmitted on high frequencies

Which light the energetic beacons of so-called mystical places

So that protected souls can shine with their own wings

That in Phoenix journeys become fantastic stories

May the rest of the Cockatrice be an epic tale of radiant success


Like a summer flower

Smiling at life with a thousand lights,

In this very neat bin

She flowers as long as she can.

In a refined setting

Maintained for so many years,

She takes advantage of the last storms of the season

To fill oneself with liberating energies.
Those who soon allow him,

To throw its seeds thus released

Towards a relieved nature

A beautiful share of adversity.



Radiate this vibrant energy

Who has pushed him to pulse for so many years

Who guides him in his successful soul quests

Gently pushes him beyond established limits

Encourage him when necessary and soothe him at the right times

Take it higher

Until supporting him at the peak

Lifts him over impassable peaks

And welcome it from other sides

Of her extraordinary angelic smiles

Her softest face with relaxed features

Its light and regenerating joy of absolute purity

Her sparkling eyes depicting the shimmering reflections of the waters.

Rivers and oases, wadis and glaciers

From puddles of drops to oceans of waves

From vapors to tides.

The highest degree of pouting

Respect, consideration

Kindness and protection

Of a she-wolf in winter on the alert

Who watches in his den over the feverish light that shines there

Who pants gently next to what quivers with pleasure

Of this little ember of life that oscillates and has since grown

This flame which takes shape and heats more intensely

This heat and vibration that penetrates deepest

Of the frame and the flesh supporting it

Radiation antennas look great

Receptive to long and slow waves

Those that warm the center of the heart

From the moment we take the time to listen to our feelings

That we agree to feel other things

Than the beats

Pulsations and constant flow of accelerations

And slowdowns

Blood spirals

Flowing into every corner

From a structured network

Maintained and developed according to rules close to a sacred Art

Where we accept to feel deep essential differences

From one and the same concept including primordial variations

What others express as a basis

And foundations of existence

Origin of questions about what makes us who we are,

That we are what 'who' we are.

Beginnings of personal feelings

Which indicate the beginning of a beginning

Palpations of the inner self

In order to develop the one-person codex

The very one by which we base ourselves in order to retain and imagine

The one who founds and lays the foundations of what we experience as realities

The one that contains our beliefs, convictions, dreams & hopes,

understandings and ideas.

A big thank you,
To all those,
Who allow me,

To find inspiration.


To the collaborations that make this project

A story without endings

Founding elements for such an epic